Can Genetic Hair Loss Be Improved with Exosome Therapy

Androgenetic Alopecia is a form that is affecting a large population of the world and millions of men. This is a gradual thinning of hair and balding, which is more or less determined by genetic and endogenous factors. Can Genetic Hair Loss Be Improved with Exosome Therapy? It is the way where modern advancement in regenerative medicine has presented a novel therapeutic option known as exosome therapy. 

Understanding Genetic Hair Loss

Genetic alopecia is hereditary based on the genetic predisposition to DHT which is the metabolite of testosterone. In this condition, DHT begins to bind to follicle receptors resulting in a reduction of size, the rate of growth and the shortening of this cycle. This in the long run, brings about production of hair strands that are thinner in size, and shorter in length leading to an end of hair production. 

What is Exosome Therapy? 

  • Exosome therapy is one of the new forms that apply the use of exosomes which are small particles that are naturally created by cells with the aid of information exchange.
  • Exosomes are derived from Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) wherein they have embedded numerous growth factors, proteins, RNA and others related bioactive, that have a link with cell regeneration.
  • The exosomes are not accompanied by a cell nucleus, they exhibit minimum immunological compatibility problems and other related challenges present in stem cells.

How Exosome Works for Hair Loss

  • Regenerating Hair Follicles because It has been seen that exosomes have the growth factors such as fibroblast growth factor (FGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and insulin like growth factor (IGF) all of which are important in the hair growth cycle regulation.
  • This is done by injecting the solution on the scalp, exosomes are capable of reconstructing the hair follicles, stimulating the dormant follicles and can even shift the growth phase from resting phase (telogen) to growth phase (anagen phase).
  • It has anti-Inflammation properties and improves the Scalp Microenvironment.
  • It Helps in The Stimulating of Blood Circulation as the circulation of the blood stream is equally important because it delivers nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles.
  • Exosomes are the body’s naturally occurring signaling molecules that have the ability to prompt the body stem cells and facilitate cellular interactions. 
  • It can result in a higher regenerative capability that will support the healing of injured tissues, like the follicles associated with heredity.

What to Expect with Exosome

  • Hair assessment by a Aesthetic Physician includes the assessment of the condition of the scalp and the number of hairs lost. 
  • The solution containing exosomes is introduced into the zone of the scalp that is to be treated by administering multiple injections.
  •  Local anesthetic agents will be administered during the process in order to perhaps reduce pain. 
  • The whole process usually takes between 30 to 60 minutes depending on the number of questions, distance, response time as well as the availability of an allotted station.

Post-Procedure Care:

 After such treatment, the patients are encouraged not to wash their hair within 24-48 hours while other important instructions concerning post-treatment care might be given by the doctor. The recovery time is short and most people can return to their normal routine soon after the treatment.

Benefits of Exosome Therapy

  • This remedy is a relatively new technique in the hair restoration field.
  • It is an operation that is less invasive and causes very little if any pain.
  •  In this cure there is a possibility of having fewer side effects as compared to other conventional therapies.

Limitations and Considerations

  • People should not approach exosome medication as a magic bullet for genetic baldness because it is not a complete solution for the problem. 
  • Some of the limitations that may affect the outcome include the extent of alopecia, the patient’s age and health status.

Final Thoughts:

It is a procedure that consists in utilizing the exosomes and shows a perspective for the fight against genetic hair loss. With the capabilities that exosomes have to restore the tissues abilities to regenerate, this unique approach can be seen as an alternative for people who are looking for a way to regain their hair back with the help of the methods that involve the use of chemicals. If you are thinking of going for more complex hair restoration the Royal Cosmetic Surgery PK provides consultation and provides you with a range of regenerative technologies such as exosome treatment. Our staff comprises dedicated professionals combined with caring attitude, it makes RCS one of the best centers offering the latest technology for hair and skin diseases.