Cellulite, often known as orange peel skin, is the dimpling of skin that typically develops on the thighs and buttocks. This condition begins to spread when additional body fat gathers against the connective tissue beneath the skin. Cellulite developed when bands of connective tissue pull the skin that covers areas of fat down to the underlying tissues, giving the impression of an uneven surface or dimpling. Your body fat percentage, lifestyle, pregnancy, age, and genetics can all have an impact on the amount of cellulite you have.
Your thighs, abdomen, buttocks, or other body areas may have lumpy, uneven skin, which is the main indication of cellulite. Cellulite can affect people of all sizes and types. However, women are more likely than men to develop this illness because of variations in the distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue.
You may smooth your skin, reduce cellulite, and feel more confident about your body shape by utilizing one of the several cellulite removal procedures provided by Royal Cosmetic Surgery.
Cellulite, which causes the skin to seem lumpy and uneven, is produced by subcutaneous fat, which is regular fat that is located beneath the skin. Orange peel skin, often known as cellulite, commonly appears on or around the thighs, stomach, and buttocks.
Cellulite can occur in anyone. Although losing weight may help, there is no correlation between cellulite and being overweight.
Even if it does not pose any health risks or pose any risk factors, cellulite can be an annoyance, especially when it comes to wearing a bathing suit. The usual strategy to treating cellulite has been topical treatment, although the results have been variable. Exercise programs and muscle-toning activities are also ineffectual at significantly decreasing cellulite.
Causes of Cellulite:
Cellulite may result from changes to a person’s diet, exercise regimen, or connective tissue composition as well as from a variety of physiological, hormonal, or genetic factors. Cellulite has even been connected to high-stress that elevate levels of catecholamines like adrenaline (associated with the fight-or-flight response).
Fat cells are encircled by a network of fibrous cords that connects our epidermis to the muscle.
Hormones like oestrogen urge the body to store fat, and this causes the fibrous cords to tightly compress fat cells. Compacted fat cells that protrude through the skin’s surface cause cellulite. The production of collagen is also decreased by the release of oestrogen, which diminishes skin suppleness and increases the likelihood of cellulite.
One may be more genetically predisposed to the development of cellulite due to certain features inherited from parents or grandparental figures. Examples include changes in circulation, metabolism, skin structure, and fat distribution.
The appearance of cellulite can also be influenced by diet and lifestyle. Cellulite will grow more quickly on a diet low in fibre and high in fat, carbohydrates, and salt. If you smoke, rarely exercise, or spend the majority of your day sitting down without getting up and stretching your limbs, cellulite is also more likely to occur.
Cellulite Solutions:
Despite being medically unproblematic, cellulite is problematic because it can harm a person’s social confidence. Creams for cellulite usually only work on the surface because the basis of the problem goes much deeper.
For a cellulite treatment to be effective and last, it must achieve a number of objectives. It must actually deal with any physiologically solvable basic issues as well as metaphorically push back against the problem.
At Royal Cosmetic Surgery, the largest group of dermatologists in the region work together to offer a comprehensive solution for cellulite removal treatment. Through innovative thinking, they have developed a ground-breaking technique that effectively reduces cellulite.
Efficacy of Cellulite Treatment:
The four major objectives of cellulite reduction therapy are to reduce accumulated deposits, promote lymphatic drainage, strengthen the collagen structure that holds water, and reshape the skin. Using a combination of contemporary Carboxy, Mesotherapy, Enzymatic Resurfacing, and Bipolar Fractional Radiofrequency simultaneously or separately, depending on the situation, the dermatologist develops a specific treatment plan after thoroughly examining your skin.
Ideal Candidate:
You can be a good candidate for cellulite reduction if you want to get rid of the appearance of lumpy skin, are close to your ideal weight, and have reasonable expectations.
- promoting the production of elastin and collagen.
- Increasing respect and self-assurance.
- achieving quick and long-lasting results.
- removing creases, wrinkles, and stretch marks.
What are the Most Widely Used Methods of Reducing Cellulite?
To get rid of cellulite, patients can select from a range of procedures. In some cases, a combination of therapy may be suggested to provide the best results. Our experts can help you make the best decision by advising you on your options.
What to Expect During Treatment:
- During the operation, you can get a warm, prickly sensation, and the treated area might appear somewhat sunburned. However, this soon fades.
- There is little recovery time after the procedure, and any side effects are mild. Cellulite significantly decreases with each treatment, and your skin progressively becomes smoother and more even.
- The best person to provide you advice on follow-up visits is your dermatologist.
- The variance in response time is comparable to the variation in skin tone. However, you will notice a big improvement, so unwind. Dietary and lifestyle recommendations could help your skin’s defences against the future
Before Cellulite Treatment:
Ask your dermatologist all the necessary questions to dispel any doubts or problems.
In order to prepare your skin for the cellulite reduction operation, strictly adhere to the dermatologist’s directions.
After Cellulite Therapy:
- Eat well and keep a balanced diet, so your body gets plenty of fiber and nutrients that promote collagen.
- Make sure you work out five to six days weekly for 30 to 45 minutes.
Can Cellulite be Permanently Removed?
There are numerous long-lasting fixes, but there are no methods for permanent eradication. You will see less noticeable cellulite even though it takes some time for the treatment to work. You may require another session if necessary after these effects last for at least six months to a year.
Is the Process of Treating Cellulite Painful?
The majority of patients scarcely feel any pain throughout a single session, which is frequently pain-free. The worst you’ll experience is a warm, prickly sensation, and following treatment, your skin might appear briefly burnt, but all of that goes away quickly.
How Many Sessions are Necessary?
It differs from treatment to treatment, but you must maintain consistency because it takes time and patience to see any apparent results. In average, one treatment will reduce cellulite on your body for around a year, but if you want the effects to last longer, you’ll need to make specific dietary and lifestyle adjustments.
Cost of Cellulite removal treatment in Islamabad, Pakistan
The cost of the Cellulite removal treatment in Islamabad, Pakistan depends on the size of the treated area and the quantity of cellulite dimples.
We advise talking to a qualified dermatologist for weight reduction in Islamabad who can understand the results you’re looking and give advice on the best course of action and related charges. The cost will depend on your geographic region and your doctor. For the most precise price, speak with us directly by booking an appointment or filling out the form below.
Make an Appointment
Make an appointment right away if you’re interested in learning more about our cellulite-reduction procedures. You can study your cellulite removal treatment in Islamabad, Pakistan options and choose the approach that is ideal for you during your visit.