Cost of Bariatric Surgery in Islamabad

When food and exercise have failed to help patients lose weight, bariatric surgery offers an additional option. Although those patients are meeting the necessary medical requirements. By altering the digestive system, surgical techniques known as bariatric surgery help patients lose weight. Any number of operations, including gastric bypass and other weight loss treatments, are also called “bariatric surgery” procedures. This article will explain to you about Cost of Bariatric Surgery in Islamabad.

Three types of surgical operations are there:

  • Stomach sleeve
  • Stomach bypass
  • Flexible gastric band

A fourth procedure called biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch is less frequently used by surgeons.

Why Do Bariatric Procedures Perform?

Having bariatric surgery can assist people who are extremely overweight. They can lose weight and reduce their chance of developing serious, life-threatening health issues, including:

  • Heart condition
  • Stroke
  • elevated blood pressure
  • Alcohol-unrelated fatty liver disease
  • Slumber apnea
  • diabetes type 2

Keep in mind that not everyone who is overweight should undergo bariatric surgery. Medical requirements must be met. It is often recommended when other weight-loss strategies, such as modifying your diet and exercising more, don’t work.

Ideal Candidates:

In general, you might be a candidate for bariatric surgery if:

  • You have a body mass index (BMI) of at least 40. This is the case of extreme obesity.
  • You have obesity-related serious health issues. These conditions are type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or severe sleep apnea.
  • If your BMI is between 30 and 34 and you have major weight-related health issues. You might be eligible for some types of weight-loss surgery.

Not everyone who is extremely overweight should have bariatric surgery. To be eligible for weight-loss surgery, you might need to fulfill specific medical requirements. You’ll probably go through a rigorous screening process to discover if you qualify. To live a healthier lifestyle, you must also be prepared to make long-term adjustments.

What to Expect Before the Procedure:

You will consult with a number of medical specialists prior to surgery, including a bariatric surgeon.

  • A comprehensive physical examination, questions about your medical history, and a blood test request will all be performed by the internist.
  • If you smoke, you might benefit from quitting at least six weeks before your operation if you do.
  • The nutritionist will help you get ready for how your life will change following surgery by outlining what and how much you can eat and drink.
  • If you choose to have weight-loss surgery, the psychiatrist or psychologist may evaluate your readiness for the obstacles involved.

Types of Bariatric Surgery:

Different bariatric procedures function by limiting the quantity of food a stomach can hold, decreasing the body’s capacity to absorb nutrients or a combination of the two.

Gastric Bypass:

The gastric bypass technique is one of the most widely used types of bariatric surgery. Simply said, there are two steps to the procedure.

  1. A little pouch first divides the top of the stomach from the rest of the stomach.
  2. When the first segment of the small intestine is divided, the bottom end is joined to the newly created little pouch in the stomach.
  3. The food stream is changed, which affects gut hormones, and the bottom of the small intestine is then connected to the top section of the divided small intestine.
  4. This method reduces the amount of food the stomach can hold while also inhibiting the absorption of calories and nutrients.


  1. dependable and durable weight loss
  2. Effective for the remission of diseases linked to obesity
  3. Standardized and honed technique

Sleeve Gastrectomy:

The stomach is removed in about 80 percent of cases with a sleeve gastrectomy. A sleeve, or tube-shaped bag, is all that is left. The stomach can no longer hold as much food since it is smaller. The ghrelin hormone, which controls appetite, is also produced less.


  1. Minimal surgical time and simple technical requirements
  2. It is possible to perform on some people with high-risk medical problems.
  3. For patients with severe obesity, this procedure might be used as the first step.

Gastric Bond:

An inflatable band is wrapped around the top of the stomach using the adjustable gastric band, creating a smaller pouch above. Patients feel full more quickly and less food can be stored. The band gets smaller over time as modifications are made repeatedly.


  1. low incidence of complications soon after surgery
  2. Neither the stomach nor the intestines are divided
  3. On the day of surgery, patients are allowed to return home.
  4. In case of need, the band may be taken off.

How is the Procedure Carried Out?

  • Most weight-loss surgeries are performed laparoscopically. They typically involve minor incisions, while under general anesthetic.
  • The surgeon can insert tiny instruments and a scope with a camera. This will be attached and projects images onto a video monitor through these incisions.
  • Compared to open surgery, laparoscopic surgery offers fewer risks. They may result in less discomfort and scarring.
  • Laparoscopic surgery may also result in a quicker recovery.
  • For some patients, open surgery, which requires a single major incision in the belly, may be preferable to laparoscopic surgery.
  • If you are:
    • extremely obese
    • have had stomach surgery in the past
    • or suffer from other complicated medical conditions, you might require open surgery.

Expectations After Surgery:

  • You will need to rest and heal following surgery. You might recover more rapidly if you walk around the house and move around. Start out cautiously and heed the advice of your healthcare provider regarding the kind of physical exercise you can engage in without risk. Increase your level of physical exercise as you get more at ease.
  • You’ll probably begin a liquid diet after surgery. You will gradually transition to a soft diet that includes things like cottage cheese, yogurt, or soup over the course of a few weeks. You’ll eventually start eating solid foods once more. Your doctor will advise you on which meals and drinks you can consume and which you should stay away from. You must chew your food thoroughly and have modest meals.

Cost of Bariatric Surgery in Islamabad Pakistan:

The Cost of Bariatric Surgery in Islamabad may range from PKR 400,000 to PKR 800,000. The cost may depend upon several factors:

  • Type of the procedure
  • The locality of the clinic
  • Experience of the doctor
  • Certain additional charges

Why Choose Us for Bariatric Surgery?

Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad is offering the best services in the field of cosmetic surgery. Dr. Naveed Azhar is one of the best cosmetic surgeons. So are you looking for the Cost of Bariatric Surgery in Islamabad then you can book your first consultation with us. Call us directly or fill out the form below.