Does a body lower lift include thighs ?

The surgical procedure to extract extra fat from the lower body areas between the lower stomach and lower back and around the butt region and outer thigh region is called lower body lift or belt lipectomy and it does not address the inner thigh section.

Quick Info

  • Type: Surgical body contouring procedure
  • Procedure Duration: 1–4 hours, depending on the treated areas
  • Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia
  • Recovery Time: 1–2 weeks for initial recovery, full results in 3–6 months
  • Target Areas: Lower Abdomen, Lower back, Outer thighs, Buttlock 
  • Results: Permanent fat removal with proper maintenance
  • Cost: PKR 50,000 PKR 150,000
  • Session Plan: Typically one session per area

 What is lipectomy?

Lower body lift called lipectomy is a process of removal of excess fat from the lower stomach and lower back and around the butt region and outer thigh region of the body after major weight loss to have a smooth and toned body. 

Results: Lipectomy provides a boost in confidence and body contouring that diet and exercise alone can’t achieve. Results depend on proper post-op care, a healthy lifestyle, and realistic expectations. Consulting with an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon is crucial to ensure you understand the benefits, risks, and potential outcomes.

Who’s a Good Candidate for a Lower Body Lift?

Those individuals struggling with loose sagging skin as a result of significant weight loss and those who maintained stable body weight for 6 months and is in overall good health for the procedure are suitable for lower body lifting procedure. 

Areas included in lower body lifting

Lipectomy is the process of removal of loose and saggy skin having excess stubborn fat that does n’t go away with diet and exercise. These include the:

  • Abdomen.
  • Lower back
  • Buttocks.
  • Outer thighs.

What Can You Expect from the Procedure?

  • Comfortable procedure done under general anesthesia.
  • This involves making a small incision into the skin.
  • A thin tube known as canola runs through the incision.
  • Suction through this tube is used to help excess fat leave the body.
  • The stitches are placed after the surgery.
  • Patients are expected to wear compression garments and recovery can take weeks.

Is lipectomy painful?

During the surgery you will not feel any pain and remember your operation because of general anesthesia but will feel sore and achy during the first one or two weeks of the surgery and a scar around the area of tissue removal which fades over time.

Benefits of a Lower Body Lift

  • Removes excess skin
  • Improve body shape and contour
  • Boost self-confidence
  • Long lasting effects

Risks of a Lower Body Lift

  • Recovering time usually of 1–2 weeks for initial recovery, full results in 3–6 months
  • Visible Scarring which tends to fade and improve in appearance over time. 
  • May cause redness and swelling but with proper care of the wound, it heals.
  • Not a weight-loss procedure, only a body contouring surgery for loose skin removal after major weight loss.

Body Lift Cost in Islamabad?

The cost of lower body lift in Islamabad ranges from 50,000 PKR to 150,000 PKR. It depends on several factors like:

  • Clinic reputation
  • Surgeon’s expertise
  • Technique used 
  • Procedure depends on your body requirement .
  • Anesthesia and facility charges

Is lipectomy worth the price and pain?

Although lipectomy is costly and a little painful but with our board- certified plastic surgeons at our clinic, it will be worth the price and pain with immediate and noticeable results. It improves your overall health and lowers the risk of heart diseases. Everyone deserves the right to have a toned contoured body. 

Get Affordable lipectomy at Our Clinic

If you’re struggling with a saggy abdomen, lower back, buttocks or outer thighs, Call us now and book a consultation with our qualified and board-certified plastic surgeons at our clinic because we promise the body shape you desire and deserve with modern approaches and equipment because our clients deserve the best.

Final thoughts

A lower body lift also called belt lipectomy is a life-changing procedure for individuals facing issues with saggy and excess skin after weight loss. However, Lipectomy is a time-consuming process for recovery and individuals need to have realistic expectations about scarring and results. This process is not a weight loss surgery. If you’re considering this surgery, consult a board-certified plastic surgeon at Royal Cosmetic Surgery PK to determine what’s right for you.