
Are you feeling difficulty chewing food? Need a solution for improper jaw alignment? It is suggested to visit Royal Cosmetic Surgery Pakistan where experienced and talented surgeons are offering Jaw Surgery in Islamabad Pakistan. They will (properly align the jaws) correct the alignment of the Jaw so it performs its functions such as chewing, swallowing, etc. easily.

On this page, you will learn about how the procedure will perform, what to expect in results, topmost benefits, cost and many more. So, take a moment and read the following details. 

An Overview – What Is Jaw Surgery?

It is a cosmetic surgery procedure for repositioning one or both jaws. This surgery is also called Orthogenetic (which means straight jaws) and is usually performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. 

Sometimes, this surgery is performed along with orthodontics for moving teeth in conjunction with the jaw. The basic purpose of this surgery is to fix minor and major facial and jaw regularities. There are several fillers for the jawline like dermal fillers but it only works with this. The surgery is necessary for significant changes. 

Types of Jaw Surgery:

Here are two common types of orthogenetic:

  • Mandibular Osteotomy: In this surgery, the surgeon moves the lower jaw back or forward for getting a stable bite and for improving overall aesthetic appearance. It is also named a Mandibular split since surgeons might rotate the jaw during surgery if required.
  • Maxillary Le Forte Osteotomy: In this type, the surgeon moves the upper jaw back or forward. In many circumstances, he has to cut the jaw into pieces just to add or remove some bone segments and thereby, he offers the idea of jaw position to the patient.

Why Do People Need Jaw Surgery? 

In case the position of your jaw is incorrect due to some accident or birth defect then surely you can get a better and enhanced appearance through Jaw surgery. Here are some conditions that push a person to seek orthogenetic surgery.

  • Difficulty in swallowing and chewing food.
  • Receding Chin.
  • Open Bite problems.
  • Chronic jaw pain.
  • Speech problems.
  • Protruding jaw.
  • Sleep apnea i.e. breathing problems while sleeping.
  • Facial injury.
  • Birth defects.

What To Expect In Results?

After getting Jaw Surgery in Islamabad Pakistan, the procedure will deliver efficient and durable outcomes. After the procedure, you will admire your new appearance and the candidate will experience immediate and stunning results. To achieve successful results, it is important to choose a skilled surgeon. You should also take appropriate care of the treated area during the healing phase.

jaw surgery Islamabad

jaw treatment in Islamabad





 Topmost Benefits Of Jaw Correction:

Generally, there are countless benefits of having jaw surgery. Some common and major benefits are mentioned below

  • One-time surgery for jaw correction. 
  • Improvement in Jaw functions such as swallowing, and chewing.
  • Get rid of birth or injury effects on jaws.
  • Balanced jaw shape with the rest of facial features.
  • Proper alignment and fixing speech problems. 
  • Painless and free of side effects treatment. 
  • Suitable for all types of candidates. 
  • Cost-effective procedure as compared to monthly treatments. 

Complete Orthogenetic Surgery:

You need to keep in mind that this surgery won’t be complete in one day. It is different from Chin or cheek surgery. It comprises four main steps, which are mentioned below

Preparation Of Surgery:

Before surgery, a patient needs to undergo orthodontic treatment for moving teeth into a new position. During surgery, a surgeon will reposition not only your jaw but also your teeth. 

You must know that you will feel difficulty in swallowing and chewing during this step of jaw surgery. A surgeon may remove your wisdom tooth or other unwanted teeth for making proper space for teeth movement in your mouth.

The surgeon suggests x-rays and some tests before he continues with the actual jaw surgery procedure. Our experts will look at recent x-rays and other test results for finalizing the surgical movements inside the mouth. 

Depending on your jaw shape and teeth, a surgeon makes different rough sketches of teeth and jaw movements on paper and then picks the most beautiful sketch. 

How The Jaw Surgery Will Perform?

Your surgeon examines your mouth and jaw completely. He also examines your recent medical health before he admits you to the clinic. This surgery is performed under general anaesthesia which means the patient needs to go to sleep during this procedure. 

The surgeon requires several hours for completing jaw surgery. The time of surgery depends on the type and amount of effort required. In usual cases, the surgeon needs to separate jaws into different parts so he can add or remove the bone for getting the proper alignment. 

It might need to reposition, augment or reduce the size of certain facial bones for grabbing good results. In almost every jaw surgery procedure, incisions are made inside the mouth which means no visible scars result.

After The Jaw Surgery:

According to royal cosmetic clinic experts, you will be shifted to a recovery room after surgery and an IV will be attached to your arm for providing you with the necessary medications. Temporary swelling and bruising can occur on lips and cheeks. For getting recovered quickly, you need to prevent jaw movement. 

Normally, the surgeon uses small screws or surgical plates for holding the jaw section together during the healing period. Wires may also be required to hold bones together if the surgeon has added or removed bones during surgery. The surgeon will wire your teeth for one week after surgery. 

Since your jaws are in fixation, you need to rely more on a liquid diet. You may experience weight loss but you can regain your weight through solid food after the fixation period. First-week diet is quite essential, surgeon normally prescribes liquid vitamins and diet supplements for balancing your diet. 

Avoid smoking for 4-5 weeks after surgery because it will slow down the healing process. You need to avoid strenuous activities for the first three weeks after surgery.

Recovery period:

The initial recovery period consists of 1-6 months while a complete healing process will be possible within 12 months. Patients can get back to a normal routine after 1-2 weeks. 

You need to visit the Royal Cosmetic clinic frequently after surgery, so the surgeon can examine your healing progress. The surgeon will also tell you when you need to remove fixation devices such as screws or plates. The patient needs to maintain a high level of oral hygiene during the recovery period.

Cost Of Jaw Surgery in Islamabad: 

The Cost of jaw surgery in Islamabad ranges between 200,000 PKR to 450,000 PKR. However, the cost may vary depending on several factors.

  • Expert Surgeon’s Fee
  • Location & Reputation of the clinic
  • Type of Jaw Surgery
  • Other Additional Charges. 

Furthermore, if you want to know more about the cost or its related factors then feel free to contact us. Our experts will guide you accurately and let you know the exact cost of the treatment. 

Book Your Appointment With Us!

Therefore, feel free to consult the RCS Clinic for Jaw Surgery in Islamabad Pakistan if you want to have your treatment to be successful and effective. We can perform any type of jaw surgery, and our skilled orthodontist can correct your difficulties to give you an entirely new facial shape.

Additionally, if you want to learn more about it or would want to know the cost, you may contact us or stop by our clinic at any time. Our professionals will provide you with useful information.