Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan

Nose Reshaping

Are you unhappy with your nose shape? Want to reshape this central feature of a face? It’s possible through nose reshaping or Rhinoplasty in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan, one of the famous cosmetic surgery performed all around the globe. It lets the person get desirable shape and appearance by realigning a nose. You can also correct the nose shape if its structure got damaged after an injury or accident.

What is Nose Reshaping/Rhinoplasty?

It is a cosmetic surgical method of reshaping the nose. A surgeon increases/decreases the size of the nose, changes the shape of the tip/bridge, narrows nostrils’ span, and modifies the angle between the nose and upper lip. This surgery is performed not only to get a better nose appearance but also to correct some breathing problems, birth defects, and marks of injuries.

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Islamabad

Royal Cosmetic Surgery has outclassed procedural plans provided by the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Islamabad.

Dr Naveed Azhar has 10+ years of working experience at our clinic and is a highly-skilled plastic surgeon, owns a medical degree, renowned cosmetic researcher, associate of the Royal College of Edinburgh’s Surgeons and membership of Pakistan’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. In a situation, He visits patients at various beauty health clinics throughout the world on a routine basis. His expertise lies in:

  • Liposuction
  • Hair Transplant
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Bariatric Surgery 
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Breast Mammoplasty

What are the Benefits of Nose Reshaping?

Here are some benefits of rhinoplasty:

  • Getting the desirable look of the nose
  • Restoring and Enhancing self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Correcting Congenital disabilities
  • Removing nose injury marks
  • Fixing breathing problems
  • Reconstruction of nose

Who is a Good Candidate for Nose Reshaping?

Generally, our surgeons suggest patient avoid this surgery at a young age since the nose isn’t developed completely. There is a case when the ugly shape of the nose leaves harmful emotional and psychological effects on teenagers, and it becomes somehow essential for them to undergo Rhinoplasty in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan. In this case, our expert surgeons offer very careful and fully monitored nose reshaping to young girls and guys. This surgery is best for a person who wants to:

  • Get back self-confidence
  • Meet some aesthetic goal
  • Fulfill reconstructive goal
  • Correct birth disabilities
  • Fix breathing problems

How to Prepare for Surgery?

We provide a pre-surgical instructional manual to our patients. It is essential to follow all instructions to get the best possible results from the surgery. You need to quit smoking one week before the surgery. If you take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medicine, then you have to stop its intake 1-2 weeks before surgery.

How Is Surgery Performed?

This surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and the patient goes to sleep during the whole procedure. In typical cases, incisions are made inside the nose, so closed operation doesn’t bring any scarring. However, the surgeon needs to go for open surgery in some complicated cases, and it leads to some scars, which disappear after a few weeks of operation. In rhinoplasty, the surgeon separates the skin of the nose from its supporting framework of cartilage and bone, and he starts reshaping this framework depending on the customer’s preference and requirements. Once he is done with changing the framework, the skin is again redraped over it. Once the surgery is complete, the surgeon applied splint on the nose for maintaining its new shape and reducing the swelling. He may also place nasal packs or soft splints (small plaster dressings) in your nostrils for stabilizing the septum, which is a dividing wall between the air passages of the nose.

What Risks Are Involved in Nose Reshaping?

Every year, thousands of people undergo this surgery, and they feel satisfied with its results and outcomes. Some people encounter some minor risks and complications that are not only temporary but also infrequent. The dangers of Nose reshaping are

  • Hematoma, blood collects under the skin. The doctor needs to remove the accumulated blood.
  • Infection
  • Reaction to general anesthesia
  • Numbness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Sometimes outcomes of surgery are not favorable, so another surgery is necessary

Post Operative Care

Here are some post-operative care instructions you must need to follow after surgery.

  • In the first couple of days, sleep with your head elevated on 3-4 pillows. It will reduce swelling and minimize the risk of minor bleeding.
  • Avoid strenuous activities such as jumping, lifting, bending, bodybuilding, etc. up to 3 weeks after surgery.
  • Don’t expose your nose to direct sunlight. Always apply sunblock cream before you move out.
  • Use icepacks to reduce swelling.
  • Bruising on cheeks and eyes will be present for 1-2 weeks; you can use concealer to hide the redness.
  • Wear nasal split for at least one week, and you should avoid getting it wet.
  • Resume regular exercise after three weeks of surgery.
  • In case the surgeon has changed your bone during surgery, then you need to wear glasses with a support such as a tape.


The patient faces bruising and swelling just after the surgery, and this situation prevails for almost 3-4 weeks. You have to maintain your patience level since the healing process of this surgery is usually slower than other cosmetic surgeries. You don’t need to be impatient. Usually, you can see the final result of your nose reshaping in 10-12 months after the surgery. You will surely feel happy to see remarkable results in the form of your desired shape and appearance.


You will be able to see the final results of rhinoplasty after one year. However, improvement in appearance can be seen after three weeks of surgery. Interestingly, the results of this surgery are long-lasting. At this point, you must note that the ageing process may affect the results. You can undergo another process if you want to seek more improvements. Usually, the new process is less extensive.

Don’t like your nose shape? Go and change it according to your own desire and preference through nose-reshaping surgery.

22 Commonly Asked Rhinoplasty Questions and Answers

Answer: The cost of Rhinoplasty in Islamabad Pakistan ranges from PKR 210,000. Price varies from one individual to another. Please consult with our Rhinoplasty surgeon and get an exact cost estimate of your nose reshaping treatment in Pakistan.
Answer: The cost of Non-surgical Rhinoplasty ranges from PKR 35,000. The factors contributing to the cost are types of fillers used in the treatment and also the experience level of a doctor performing non-surgical Rhinoplasty treatment.
Answer: Dr Naveed Azhar is a renowned Licensed Plastic/Cosmetic surgeon in Islamabad/Pakistan. After completing his training and education in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, he started handling rhinoplasty patients in Pakistan. He earned name and fame all over Pakistan due to his remarkable performance as a Plastic Surgeon. He is an honoured member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburg and also the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Pakistan.
No, you can’t. It is better to sleep on a reclining chair for at least one week. Keep your head and nose above your heart to avoid nose swelling problems after surgery.
Answer: Successful Rhinoplasty surgery is one that provides aesthetic value to your personality and doesn’t face any breathing trouble. You can witness the effectiveness of your nose surgery generally after 6-8 months.
Answer: Your swelling will go away after 4-8 weeks of surgery.
Answer: You will feel a breathing issue for at least a week. Don’t blow your nose during this time. You can use tissue paper to wipe your nose. You can sneeze with an open mouth.
Yes, it sure does. Also, your self-confidence increases; you feel much better about your personality than before.
Answer: Yes, it can. Our surgeon can make your nose smaller with a Reduction rhinoplasty. Even he is expert enough to increase the size of your nose through an Augmentation Rhinoplasty procedure.
Answer: You may experience numbness, swelling, nose bleeding, and scarring at the base of the nose. But these side effects are expected and will diminish over time.
Answer: It is normal to experience swelling on the nose just after getting surgery. In case you got a bump on your nose then it might be post-surgery swelling, and in that case it is normal. However, when this bump is due to excess bone or cartilage swelling; also, it will last for more than a year. 
Answer: It is a non-surgical nose job treatment in which fillers are used to shape and alter your nose. This procedure is quick.
Answer: You should know that Rhinoplasty is a regular surgery that involves certain complications and risk factors such as the bursting of small blood vessels on your skin’s surface, nose bleeding, permanent nerve damage. In a worst-case scenario, your first surgery’s results are not as expected. Therefore, you might have to plan a second or third Rhinoplasty surgery.
Answer: The whole procedure of Rhinoplasty is painless. You don’t experience pain during surgery. However, you will feel pain after the numbness wears off. You might encounter trouble breathing. Your nose may be stuffy. For a while, the skin on the tip of the nose will remain numb. The swelling will go away within 3-4 weeks.
Answer: It is possible but only when an expert is doing this procedure. At Royal Cosmetic Surgery, we have an expert who performs Rhinoplasty and septoplasty in the same setting, and this procedure is known as Septorhinoplasty.
Answer: Results of surgical Rhinoplasty last forever because it’s a plastic surgery whose results are permanent. However, when you opt for non-surgical Rhinoplasty then results will last only 6-8 months.
Answer: A non-surgical nose job is a cost-effective treatment when you want to disguise nose bumps. However, when you want to increase or decrease your nose size and have a desire to get an ideal nose shape, then only Rhinoplasty is the better option. Non-Surgical treatment is the right choice when you have a tight budget, and you are okay with temporary results. On the other hand, when you are looking for a permanent change in the size or shape of your nose then none other than Rhinoplasty is the right treatment choice to make.
Answer: You may experience voice alternations after getting a rhinoplasty in Pakistan. Your voice may or may not change. So, you should beware of this possible change in your life before you consider this treatment.
Answer: As soon as your nose is reached at its adult size then you can plan the surgery. Typically, boys can have nose surgery at the age of 17-18. However, girls can get a nose job one year earlier than a boy, i.e. when they are 15 or 16 years old.
Answer: A surgeon can reshape the interior of your nose so that you can breathe easily. This treatment has different medical names such as “rhinoplasty”, “Nose job” and “Nasal Treatment.”
There are four common types of Rhinoplasty performed in Pakistan.Open Rhinoplasty Closed rhinoplasty Filler Rhinoplasty (Non-surgical Rhinoplasty) Second rhinoplasty
Answer: With its countless positive rating and reviews, Royal Cosmetic Surgery always comes in the first position. When people want to bring some changes in their nose sizes and shapes, they contact us. We take pride in handling the highest number of Rhinoplasty cases in the last five years. During this time, we provided countless surgical and non-surgical Rhinoplasty treatments in Pakistan. We delivered the best results to our patients who got what they expected.  Our goal is to provide the ultimate aesthetic nose appearance to our customers.