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What are the popular ways to treat erectile dysfunction?

The number of men dealing with erectile dysfunction has increased significantly. Lifestyle practices, dietary habits of people and psychological factors lead to erectile dysfunction and make people feel unsatisfied and unmotivated. Erectile dysfunction treatments in Islamabad improve quality of life and lead to healthier relationships. 

Most people are unaware of impotence treatments. The cosmetic field has introduced several surgical and non-surgical ways to address this specific problem and rekindle the essence of living a true and energetic life while maintaining a healthier relationship with your partner.

Restore Intimate Power: Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Your sexual health is of vital importance. It allows you to enjoy your life, satisfy your partner in bed, improve your bonding, optimise your working efficiency and, above all, lead to peace and mental satisfaction. On the other side, impotence damages your personality, dismantles the basis of your marital relationships and makes you feel useless. 

Given today’s life and challenges, many people become prey to this sexual issue. If you are among them and feeling lost because of sexual impotence, then here are your solutions. Based on your preferences and specific needs, you can choose any of the following treatments to restore your power to maintain a satisfactory erection and reestablish enjoyable sexual relationships with partners

Enjoy A Healthy Relationship: Top Benefits of ED Treatment

  • Deals with impotency and allows you to have a satisfactory and enjoyable sexual intercourse
  • Improve your relationships with your partner and establish her trust and confidence in you
  • Builds trust, improves communication and increases the feeling of rejoicing and delightful intercourse
  • Maintains satisfactory erection and contributes to emotional closeness
  • Boosts confidence and self-esteem of an individual, reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improving the working efficiency of an individual and making him feel satisfied and relaxed 

Why To Consider Erectile Dysfunction Treatments?

In the first place, every man has a natural instinct towards sexual activities. It is also necessary to build his legacy. If a man is unable to satisfy his partner in bed, he will not be able to live a normal life because impotency creates a feeling of hollowness. If you are dealing with this specific issue, you must consider getting professional treatment to reinstate your manliness and lead a confident and efficient life.

Oral Medications Like Viagra and Cialis

The use of oral medication has been a popular procedure for several years. These drugs speed up blood flow towards the penis and increase the longevity of erection, improving the performance of a person. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are a few drugs that are used to address ED and facilitate erection. Do not use any medication on your own. Always consult with a professional and get a recommended medicine.

Sex Therapy

Many people are sexually healthy and are in a position to perform sexual activities. But they feel fear of performance. This leads to psychological consequences. Medications related to impotency cannot manage this fear of performance. Given that, sex therapy is performed to restore the confidence of a person in his abilities. 

Penile Injections

People who are unsatisfied with oral medication should go for penile injections as this is one of the best procedures to address sexual impotence. Alprostadil is directly injected into the penis to trigger and lead to a satisfactory erection, making an individual satisfied with his performance. 

Vacuum Pump Treatment

A pump is surgically placed over the penis during this treatment. At the time of sexual intercourse, the air is forced out of the vacuum pump to increase the blood supply towards the penis, leading to lengthy sexual intercourse. You may experience numbness or bruising, but it restores your manpower.

The Bottom Line:

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual issue that eliminates a man’s sexual ability or power to maintain sexual intercourse with his partner. Erectile dysfunction treatment in Islamabad restores the ability to maintain erection and lead to a confident life. People observing impotency can consider a number of treatments: oral medications, sex therapy, penile injections and penile implants. 

Schedule your appointment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to rekindle your manliness and re-energise yourself to maintain a satisfactory erection. No matter what the intensity of your issue is, our team is here to detect and treat it accordingly as per your desires. Visit our clinic and let us restore your sexual power.


What are the popular ways to treat erectile dysfunction?

Several factors, such as lifestyle practices, dietary habits and psychological conditions, may influence the sexual performance of an individual. Stress, anxiety, poor diet and unhealthy practices lead to this issue.
Oral medications, penile injections, penile implants and sex therapy are a few procedures performed to address impotency and reinstate the sexual power of an individual. Based on the severity of the issue and your specific requirements, your surgeon will choose the best way to treat this problem.
Generally, it does not lead to this issue. If you are feeling this is the cause of your erectile dysfunction, then it is better to visit a doctor for proper evaluation and appropriate treatment.

How do doctors address erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction treatment in Islamabad reproduces the potential and essence to enjoy intimate life to the fullest. Modern lifestyle, which normalises the consumption of junk food, causes stress and anxiety and also the use of medication can lead to importance or make an individual unable to maintain the erection required for satisfactory sexual activity. This specific condition tarnishes the personality of an individual and eliminates the confidence and self-esteem of an individual. 

Revitalise Your Vitality: Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

If a person is capable of performing intimate activities, he will enjoy his relationship with his partner. His self-image and body posture will exhibit confidence. On the flip side, if a person is unable to satisfy his partner in bed, he may not be able to produce a confident personality. Furthermore, an impotent man cannot enjoy his life and even cannot complete his normal routines. 

Erectile dysfunction treatment revitalises an individual’s potential and energy. This procedure helps an individual achieve an erection to maintain sexual activity and satisfy his partner. It deals with difficulties in achieving a sufficient erection. There are several causes that can lead to this condition. Based on its causes, different treatment approaches are adopted to get better results.

Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction:

Several factors, such as growing age, poor diet, health issues and psychological conditions, can diminish an individual’s ability to sustain sufficient erection or his ability to satisfy his partner. So, there are physical and emotional causes that lead to this problem. 

  • Limited blood flow into the penis
  • Disturbance in nerve signals
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Stress at home or work
  • Stroke
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Penile abnormalities
  • Obesity

How Do Doctors Address Erectile Dysfunction?

Given that psychological phenomena such as stress, anxiety and depression can also cause this issue, you can also treat it by modifying your lifestyle and adopting a healthy lifestyle and proper diet plan. Besides that, doctors also consider medical or surgical approaches to address this specific concern.

Oral Medications

Doctors also recommend specific medicines to men who are unable to sustain sufficient erection. These medicines include Cialis, Viagra and Stendra. The use of these medicines improves blood flow into the penis and prolongs the ability for sexual intercourse. Medications are not recommended to everyone, so you must seek the suggestion of an expert before using any such medicine.


The direct administration of medicines into the penis via injections has also become a common practice to treat ED. This procedure aims to increase blood flow into the penis by relaxing the smooth muscles. Healthcare providers suggest this way of dealing with impotence. This is an effective approach. However, it involves a few risk factors. You must get a consultation session before considering this method.

Penile Implant in Islamabad

If an individual does not get any benefit from other treatments, then a penile implant is considered. This is the most advanced and effective way of dealing with ED. During this procedure, a surgical device is inserted into the penis to increase the erection duration. The implant offers on-demand spontaneous erection results and also reproduces the element of satisfaction and contentment. 

The Bottom Line:

Factors such as growing age, depression, anxiety and poor diet diminish an individual’s ability to enjoy the pleasure of satisfied sexual activity as he cannot sustain sufficient erection. This condition is called erectile dysfunction. Nowadays, many people are suffering because of this problem. It can also be treated by modifying lifestyle. Besides that, medical approaches such as medicines, injections and penile implants can be performed to address this problem. If you are dealing with this issue, consult your professional for proper and effective treatment. 

Schedule your appointment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to deal with erectile dysfunction or impotence and improve your bond with your partner by meeting her demands. We offer custom-made treatments and are ready to enhance your lifestyle. Visit our clinic, get a consultation session and make an informed decision!


How do doctors address erectile dysfunction?

AccordDoctors analyse the conditions of a patient and then decide which is the best procedure for a specific patient. They can treat this condition via medications, injections or penile implants. The treatment method is selected based on the specific requirements of a patient.ion Sample Description
Restores normal sexual activity of an impotent personAllows an individual to maintain sufficient erectionImproves the relationships between partnersEnhances quality of life and adds joy and pleasureBoosts the confidence and self-esteem of an individual
Yes. If you are dealing with erectile dysfunction or are unsatisfied to maintain an erection, then do not worry because you can treat this problem. Royal Cosmetic Surgery offers numerous treatments to address this specific problem and add joy to your life.

Pros & Cons of Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

The whole personality of a man is disturbed when he deals with erectile dysfunction- a condition when a man is unable to have or maintain sufficient erection required for sexual intercourse. This issue leads to numerous problems. It destroys the self-confidence of a person, causes stress and anxiety and also affects relationships. Erectile dysfunction treatment in Islamabad restores the strength required to maintain a satisfactory erection and reinstates the confidence and self-esteem of that person. 

Several procedures are there to address impotence or erectile difficulties, such as oral medications, injections and penile implants. First of all, if you are observing this problem or are unsatisfied with your performance in bed, then you must consult with your doctor to get proper treatment. Further, all of these procedures are effective and have some pros and cons. We will address the pros and cons that you will observe or may have after getting these treatments or what you should expect if you are going to get erectile dysfunction treatment. 

Pros and Cons of Erectile Dysfunction Treatment:

Nowadays, many people report to their doctors that they are unsatisfied with their sexual performance. There has been a surge in this problem because stress and anxiety also cause this problem and these conditions have prevailed in society. Coming to the point, you must treat this issue to improve your relationship with your partner and satisfy yourself. 

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: Advantages

Several procedures are performed to address this specific treatment; the pros and cons of each treatment vary from each other. We are going to generalise the advantages of treating this problem to give you an idea about the benefits of dealing with this condition.

  • Improves your performance in bed and enables you to maintain an erection required for sexual intercourse
  • Restores your joy and pleasure of having intimate relations with your partner
  • Eliminates the feeling of self-assurance and anxiety and produces positive energy
  • Improves your bonding with your partner and strengthens your relationships
  • Builds your confidence back and also augments your working efficiency


  • If you get oral medications, then this is a convenient approach to handle this problem, as you can take medicines orally
  • If you choose to get injections, then  you will likely get your results in a very short period
  • Penile implant in Islamabad offers you an effective and durable solution to restore your man-power and allow you to enjoy your life to the fullest

Disadvantages Of These Procedures:

  • The use of oral medications may disturb your digestive system
  • Besides that, if you are on medications, you may also observe pain and discomfort
  • Penile implantation may also lead to scarring or other side effects such as numbness, redness, pain or discomfort
  • You may also observe a prolonged and painful erection that will not make you feel well and satisfied

Whatever treatment you are going to undergo, you must consult with a professional. An expert will evaluate your problems, ask you about the history of symptoms and then let you choose the best option after analysing your specific problem-related details. So, if you are dealing with erectile dysfunction, then you can visit Royal Cosmetic Surgery for an expert opinion. 

The Bottom Line:

The secret to a man’s satisfaction is his ability to perform his innate functions like sexual activity. If a man is unable to perform this function, he will become a prey of depression and anxiety. You must seek proper treatment to restore your ability to satisfy your partner’s needs in bed. There are several treatments that can help you reignite the charm of healthy and wishful sexual intercourse. All of them are beneficial and bring about positive results. However, we cannot neglect the element of side effects. Given that, you should consult with an expert to minimise the risks of adverse effects and enhance the possibility of better results. 

Schedule your appointment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to address erectile dysfunction. If you want to regain the power to have enjoyable and satisfactory intercourse, then let us deal with this problem as we have the expertise and offer personalised treatments.


Pros & Cons of Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

If you are dealing with an issue and you have a solution, then you must seek the solution. You are not born to live with problems. Get this problem treated, eliminate your self-made barriers and find a way to enjoy your life to the fullest.
The cost of treating erectile dysfunction largely relies on the type of procedure that a person chooses. Furthermore, it also depends on the experience of a surgeon and the clinic’s location. Normally, the cost of this treatment lies somewhere between PKR 150,000 to PKR 500,000
You can regain your strength by modifying your lifestyle and seeking proper treatment. You must consult with your healthcare professional to find the most suitable treatment to deal with this problem.

What is the latest treatment option for erectile dysfunction in 2023?

Sexual health is integral for overall well-being and a quality lifestyle. It plays a crucial role in an individual’s personality and contributes to physical fitness and emotional satisfaction. Poor lifestyle, stress, depression and the aging factor can damage reproductive health and cause erectile dysfunction. A number of people are experiencing this problem. This issue can damage the individuality of a person and disturb personal and social aspects of his life. Erectile dysfunction treatment in Islamabad restores sexual health and improves quality of life. 

Let’s Understand What Erectile Dysfunction Is!

Erectile dysfunction is the inability of an individual to achieve or maintain an erection required for sexual intercourse. A person facing this issue cannot satisfy the needs of his partner because of his inability to maintain a penile erection. This problem becomes a source of embarrassment and frustration and disturbs an individual’s marital relationship. Furthermore, his personal and social life is also compromised and he finds himself in a state of anxiety.

Erectile dysfunction treatment in Islamabad vitalizes an individual’s life. Treating this issue not only improves the relationship of an individual but also augments his social interaction and improves his performance. In addition to that, a person finds a rejuvenated spirit, becomes able to enjoy his sexual life and express himself without any hesitation.


  • Inability to achieve erection
  • Inability to maintain erection
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Trouble reaching orgasm
  • Less firmer erection
  • Stress and depression

Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction:

Normally, this is deemed a psychological problem, but it also has other causes related to physical issues. It means myriad reasons can cause this issue. It is crucial to understand the origin or basis of ED to treat it properly. Here are a few potential causes.

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Poor lifestyle
  • Lack of physical activities
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Vascular issues
  • The aging factor

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment In Islamabad: Top Benefits

  • Its treatment improves sexual performance and allows satisfying sexual relationships
  • Eliminates the cause of strained relationships and enhances bonding
  • Boosts confidence and restores the vitality of an individual
  • Contributes to the overall emotional and mental well-being of an individual
  • Improves intimacy and communication between partners
  • Deals with stress and depression and restores normal behavior
  • This leads to a better lifestyle and makes an individual confident

What Is The Latest Treatment Option For Erectile Dysfunction In 2023?

Several treatment options are there to address this issue. The purpose of erectile dysfunction treatment in Islamabad is to deal with the erection inability of an individual and restore normal sexual performance. These treatments include the use of medication, non-invasive and surgical options. Given the causes of this issue, all treatments are suitable to a certain extent. The practitioner first tries to understand the cause of this problem and then recommends the most suitable treatment based on his analysis or probe.

The latest treatment option to treat ED is penile implant in Islamabad. This treatment involves the insertion of a medical device into the penis. This is a surgical solution that restores the ability of an individual to perform normal sexual activity by injecting special devices. Regardless of the severity of erectile dysfunction, it is a highly reliable solution that offers spontaneous erection. This enduring treatment deals with impotence, improves sexual performance and eliminates the need for other treatments such as medications, etc. 

Why Penile Implant?

  • To permanently resolve erectile dysfunction issue
  • To restore intimacy and sexual satisfaction
  • To improve sexual performance
  • To ameliorate the quality of life
  • To boost confidence and self-esteem
  • To get rid of medicines

The Bottom Line:

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection required for normal sexual activity. This issue is not uncommon nowadays because many individuals are experiencing this issue because of several reasons such as poor lifestyle, stress, depression, anxiety, vascular issues, etc. Erectile dysfunction treatment in Islamabad restores the sense of youthfulness and improves the sexual performance of an individual. Penile implant in Islamabad is the latest and most effective treatment. This treatment permanently resolves this issue and eradicates the need for other temporary solutions.

Book your appointment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to treat ED issues effectively. Our clinic is known for its customized and advanced treatment options. If you are experiencing this issue, visit Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to revitalize your sexual health and improve your sexual performance.

What is the permanent treatment option for Erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a common sex issue that most men are facing these days. It usually occurs when the blood flow towards the penis is limited or when a nerve is damaged. Sometimes, negative emotions such as stress and depression and diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes can also cause this problem. Erectile dysfunction treatment in Islamabad resolves this issue and strengthens your bond with your partner.

Erectile Dysfunction: Overview

This issue refers to the inability of a person to achieve or keep enough erection required for intimation. If an individual cannot maintain enough erection to have satisfactory intercourse, he may be experiencing erectile dysfunction. The implication of this issue is beyond consideration. It not only disturbs an individual’s physical and emotional life but damages the basis of a relationship. Hormonal imbalance, stress, anxiety, obesity, smoking, and numerous other factors can lead to this issue.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Islamabad:

This condition cannot be neglected. Firstly, this issue hampers a person’s ability to have a satisfactory intimation with his partner. Further, it also damages self-esteem and also leads to frustration. Treating this condition will not only improve your physical and psychological health but also your relationship with your partner. Its treatment will restore your confidence and self-esteem and improve your overall well-being. 


  • Lifestyle Modifications
  • Medications
  • Psychotherapy
  • PRP Therapy
  • Penile Implant

What Is The Permanent Treatment Option For Erectile Dysfunction?

Usually, your surgeon determines the most suitable and feasible treatment for you based on your specific conditions. Several treatments are used to address ED. Penile implant in Islamabad is considered one of the best and permanent treatments. This procedure involves the implantation of specific devices into the penis to maintain the required erection. People who do not get any significant results from other treatments are asked to undergo this medical treatment. 

How is Penile Implant a Permanent Solution?

This is a permanent solution for erectile dysfunction. During this treatment, a device is inserted into the place that remains there. This device helps an individual achieve and maintain a desired erection. As the device is placed surgically into the penis, and it remains there over time, making this procedure a lasting solution.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Islamabad: Top Benefits

  • This is a permanent solution for erectile dysfunction and enables a person to achieve a desired erection
  • Allows on-demand erection because it eliminates the need for medications
  • The device is surgically placed into the penis, making it a long-lasting treatment
  • Its results are consistent, and psychological factors can no longer disrupt your erection
  • It improves your confidence and self-esteem and also your bonding with your partner
  • It makes you enjoy your life and live to the fullest
  • This treatment works where other treatments do not provide satisfactory results

Types Of Penile Implants:

  • Inflatable Penile Implants
  • Malleable Penile Implants
  • Self-contained Inflatable Implants

How Much Does Penile Implant Cost in Islamabad?

The cost of this treatment extends from PKR to PKR. The price may differ because of the available facilities in a clinic, the clinic’s location, and the surgeon’s expertise. 

Penile Implants in Islamabad: Our Suggestion

Dr Naveed Azhar is one of  best cosmetic surgeon in Islamabad. As this is a matter of your health and your intimacy, you should consider the best option. Dr. Naveed has been serving in this field for years, and his satisfaction rate is extraordinary. Furthermore, his communication skills and technical prowess make him a distinguished surgeon. If you are observing erectile dysfunction, it is better to consult Dr. Naveed Azhar for better results.

Post-Operative Measures:

  • Keep the surgical site dry and clean
  • Avoid strenuous and physical activities 
  • Tale prescribed medicines to manage pain or discomfort
  • Refrain from any sexual activity for a certain time to get optimal results
  • Maintain hygienic practices to prevent infection

Summing Up!

Erectile dysfunction treatment in Islamabad unleashes your inner child and enables you to maintain a desired erection and build a healthy and strong relationship with your mating partner. Several treatments can address this medical condition. Penile implants are the best and permanent solution that enables you to achieve and maintain a satisfactory erection. This is a permanent solution because a specific device is surgically placed into the penis that remains there, making it a long-lasting treatment for erectile dysfunction.

If erectile dysfunction has disturbed your life and relationship with your partner, then here is the solution. Book your appointment at Royal Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad to get optimal results. We strive to offer satisfactory results and also offer advanced solutions. Besides, surgeons like Dr. Naveed Azhar are associated with us, who have gained immense respect because of their extraordinary services.

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