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Tag: Zirconia Crowns in Islamabad

Can Zirconia Crowns Be Used for Molars
Can Zirconia Crowns Be Used for Molars?

When restoring any tooth, you need to ensure that you get the right type of crown especially for the posterior teeth that are subjected to the most stress through forces during biting and chewing. Zirconia crowns are now the materials employed in the dental restoration practice since they are highly strong, have greatly positive overall durability, and their aesthetic looks like natural teeth. But Can Zirconia Crowns Be Used for Molars? This blog will shed light on the positive aspects of zirconia crowns, what should

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What causes zirconia crowns to crack
What causes zirconia crowns to crack?

Do you have a concern about your zirconia crowns cracking? This can be a large problem, inconvenient, and spending more than you should. What causes a zirconia crown to crack? The majority of the reasons stem from excessive pressure, misalignment, or any underlying issues. However, a cracked crown can cause a haywire in your daily life and undue stress.  Well, hope is not lost; get solutions with us. We have specialized treatments. As we believe in protecting your crowns and in achieving a lifelong sustainable

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Do Zirconia Crowns Smell
Do Zirconia Crowns Smell?

When they need dental crowns, many individuals choose for zirconium crowns. Moreover, they appeal to people because they seem realistic. Further, they are robust and last for a long period. However, many people want to get them or currently have zirconium crowns. So, they usually ask Do Zirconia Crowns Smell? What Are Zirconia Crowns? Zirconia crowns are crowns for teeth fashioned of zirconium oxide, a robust and long-lasting metal. Moreover, they seem natural and complement your other teeth, hence people typically use them to restore

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What is the best bonding agent for zirconia
What is the best bonding agent for zirconia?

Are you having trouble figuring out the exact solution for zirconia restorations? What is the best bonding agent for zirconia? You can feel overwhelmed by the abundance of options available to you. Imagine the frustration of employing a bonding solution that doesn’t work and your repairs come back loose. This might result in depressing and expensive repairs.  However, there is hope. To guarantee strong and long-lasting bonding in your Zirconia Restorations, Dr. Usama Hayat Ghauri provides a trustworthy procedure. With its specially formulated bonding agent

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zirconia crown in Islamabad
Pros and Cons of Zirconia Crowns in Islamabad

 Zirconia crowns are commonly the material of choice for dentists who want to offer their patients cosmetic dental restorations. It is necessary to know the Pros and Cons of Zirconia Crowns in Islamabad before choosing them. Many people don’t know about the benefits and drawbacks of these crowns and they blame the performers and clinic.  In this blog post, you will learn about some common pros and cons of these crowns. So, it will be helpful for you to choose the best dental work for

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